Ivan ZhangJan 18Millions of Students Pour Ice Cubes on Road, Schools ClosedThe dwindling amount of snow days has prompted students to create their own. Cole Enstocking, the mastermind of the scheme, invited...
Jeffery JiJan 3Blair Chipotle closes down - UN declares cultural EmergencyThe day is December 15, 2023. As students flood out after the 12:00 bell, they expect to follow a familiar routine. They will do as...
Ivan ZhangDec 20, 2023Bowls of Blair unite following the end of The Great Bowl WarFollowing the conclusion of the “Bowl War”, (Welt-Bol-Krieg) a high-level military conflict between the History Bowl, Science Bowl, and...
Ella WuOct 27, 2023Bugged Python code leads to freshman being possessed by ghostOn Friday, October 13th, in an eighth-period freshman computer science class, a bugged Python file led to Nikhil Bhatt being possessed by...