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The rumors are true, multiple people do in fact spend some time making this.
Justin Rosentover
Founder and Glorious Leader of the Silver Splinter since 2023
Erik Lodal
Our distinguished sponsor and the funniest teacher at Montgomery Blair. Although that isn't a high bar.
Nathaniel Bingenheimer
Semi-Founder and critic who has decided to bless us with his words. Well only once and it wasn't much of a blessing but still.
Chief Graphic Designer
Ella Wu
Graphics person who made our logo and complains about our poor graphic design even though she is the head of it.
Yongle Xin
Specializes in sports, specifically Formula One. Wait actually only Formula One. Honestly he can't talk about anything else, please shut up about it.
Ezra Zibel
Also known as "the Zibbler," he is an opinion writer who is very enthusiastic about the Purple Line, like VERY enthusiastic.
Jeffery Ji
An old man trapped in the body of a 15-year-old.
Ivan Zhang
The best young writer, the future of our club, a truly great future leader... oh wait, they're not here anymore.
Jamie Lozada-McBride
Our in-house Cartoonist, covering all your totally real news in picture form.
Colm Konyndyk
Our newest talent, Colm doesn't believe in any of those fake astrologers, only the real ones.