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Welcome Back to the Silver Splinter

As the Silver Splinter enters its second school year of existence, let us take time to reflect upon our past glorious accomplishments and our vision for the future (the same thing we do every day, try to take over the world). Now we know that you, our faithful readers, are the most literate and intellectual group in the world and so we need not seek a larger audience as what we lack in viewership we more than make up for in intelligence.

However, it may surprise you all to learn that there are over 450 unique visitors, from 8 countries (Really, Lithuanians are our second biggest audience and I’m not joking). We have published over 30 articles written by a writing staff of more than one; in fact, it's like 6 or something, hard to keep track when you only see them in a dark cave. This next year however, we strive for more: if you want to join the cult–I mean club–check out the Join Us page here on our website. If you are a humble reader wishing for more enjoyment, feel free to contact us and complain about our inconsistent pace. If you want to donate to the Silver Splinter because the Moonies haven’t taken it all yet, contact us and we can arrange something. To celebrate our great success, we have compiled some statistics from our first year to share with you.

Number of times featured in the Washington Post in the last year:

The Silver Splinter (TSS): 1

Silver Chips Print (Print): 0

Silver Chips Online (SCO): 0

Number of Articles Written by Miis:

TSS: 31

Print: 0

SCO: 0

Coverage of Bomb Threats (Earliest to Latest):

  1. TSS

  2. SCO

  3. Print

Fedoras in Yearbook Photos:

TSS: 30 ish

Print: 0

SCO: 0

Number of times they revealed the secrets of the Universe::

TSS: 1

Print: 0

SCO: 0

Number of Quotes from Joe Archibaldson:

TSS: 10ish

Print: 0

SCO: 0

Number of cardboard cutouts of Taylor Swift that have ever been in sponsors room:

TSS: 1

Print: 0

SCO: 0

Number of colors named after then:

TSS: 1

Print: 0

SCO: 0

Thank you for reading and may next year bring ever more enlightenment to the masses,

Justin Rosentover


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